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Marketing Management System —

Unlock the full potential of your marketing function with the Marketing Management System



The Marketing Management System stands as our flagship service – it’s an answer for you as an executive to lead your team with a focus on accountability and impactful outcomes, not just outputs.

We help you define a bold vision for your marketing function, establish a management system that drives accountability and focus, and ensure alignment with business outcomes and results.

The Marketing Management System was designed to help marketing executives build, lead, and manage their marketing departments to achieve world-class status. It was developed to solve challenges such as unclear expectations, misalignment with stakeholders, ad hoc requests, and constant firefighting.

pattern-circle pattern-dot Mavenfirst's team helping client to take marketing leadership to the next level

With this leadership system, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and align your team around a shared vision. It will help the marketing function effectively support the corporate strategy, clearly define each team member's expectations, eliminate ad hoc requests, establish clear accountabilities, and implement an effective leadership approach.

A data-driven marketing department can be a reality. We help you with all aspects of leading, developing, and managing your marketing function with a focus on accountability rather than just activities.

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Marketing Management System Elements


The Marketing Management System is structured around three core elements and three stand-alone elements. All these modules need to be in place and managed in order to unlock the full potential of marketing and successfully lead and run your marketing department.

You can begin with either the core module's Business Plan or choose one of the standalone modules.

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Account based -markkinoinnin aloittaminen

Pohditko, miten lähteä liikkeelle strategisen ABM:n toteuttamisessa? Materiaalimme opastaa sinut vaihe vaihteelta onnistuneen account based -markkinoinnin suunnitelman rakentamiseen. Luo suunnitelma, joka sitouttaa myös myynnin ABM:n toteuttamiseen!


Kumppaninne markkinoinnin kehitysprojekteissa

Olemme erikoistuneet markkinointiin complex sale -ympäristössä, jossa  myyntiprosessit ovat pitkiä ja monivaiheisia. Tuomme tueksesi pitkän kokemuksemme  complex sale -ympäristön markkinoinnista sekä uusimman tutkimustiedon ja testatut toimintamallit. Yhdessä kartoittamalla löydämme markkinoinnin tärkeimmät kehityskohteet joiden ratkaisemisessa autamme tilanteeseen sopivalla tavalla. Olemme kumppaninne markkinoinnin kehitysprojekteissa tai pidemmissä yhteistöissä. Roolimme vaihtelee tarpeenne mukaan advisory-kumppanuudesta projektipäällikkö-palveluun. Tärkeintä meille on, että markkinointi tuo yrityksellenne arvoa ja kaupallisia tuloksia.

Kumppaninne markkinoinnin kehitysprojekteissa


Olemme erikoistuneet markkinointiin complex sale -ympäristössä, jossa  myyntiprosessit ovat pitkiä ja monivaiheisia. Tuomme tueksesi pitkän kokemuksemme  complex sale -ympäristön markkinoinnista sekä uusimman tutkimustiedon ja testatut toimintamallit. 

Yhdessä kartoittamalla löydämme markkinoinnin tärkeimmät kehityskohteet joiden ratkaisemisessa autamme tilanteeseen sopivalla tavalla. Olemme kumppaninne markkinoinnin kehitysprojekteissa tai pidemmissä yhteistöissä. Roolimme vaihtelee tarpeenne mukaan advisory-kumppanuudesta projektipäällikkö-palveluun. Tärkeintä meille on, että markkinointi tuo yrityksellenne arvoa ja kaupallisia tuloksia.




Business Plan

This is the foundation and a starting point of a world-class marketing function – clarify where you want to go and what you need to do to get there.


Management Process

This is how you make your business plan alive – it’s the way you lead and run your marketing department with clarity and structure on a daily basis, week-to-week, month-to-month, and year-to-year.


People & Organization

You have a great team – make sure there are the right people in the right places with clear roles and responsibilities, accountabilities, and expectations. 


Value Communication

Prove the value of marketing and lead your team to do the same – you'll receive a comprehensive roadmap of four elements specially designed for marketing teams operating in complex B2B industries.


Marketing Strategy Evaluation

With this comprehensive analysis, you can make sure that your entire team understands and follows the marketing strategy, making sure that all activities carried out by the marketing team are aligned with the overall business objectives and company strategy. 



Regardless of the type of marketing you do, the key differentiator between a good team and a great one is how your team operates in marketing. Processes are the patterns that get you and your team to get the desired results. 

What is it about?

We typically begin with the Business Plan, which is crucial for a successful marketing function. It serves as your roadmap and outlines your marketing department’s five-year vision. After that, we will focus on ensuring that your Business Plan is not left untouched on a desk but is actively implemented through meeting rhythms and accountability for team members.

We will assist you in making your vision a reality by selecting the right steps based on your unique situation and needs.

Begin with either the core module's Business Plan or choose one of the standalone modules.

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It’s for senior marketing executives

We work with senior marketing executives operating in complex B2B industries. We always tailor our engagements based on your organizational structure – you can oversee the entire marketing department with team leaders reporting to you, or you might have direct team members and the autonomy to make decisions.

pattern-circle pattern-dot Senior Marketing Consultant Joonas Hakkarainen

Why work with Mavenfirst? 


We’ve done that before.

We know what it takes to truly unlock the potential of marketing within your organization. With a proven track record of over 130 successful engagements and an average NPS of 67, we excel at guiding you through change and leading your department with a commitment to accountability and meaningful results – not just outputs.


We understand you.

We specialize in helping senior marketing executives in complex B2B industries. We have more than 100 yearly discussions with marketing leaders, and combined with annual research, we understand your challenges.


This is the only thing we do.

Our role is to focus on best practices to help you succeed. While a marketing executive may only face certain situations a few times throughout their career, we constantly consider these scenarios – and we harness all this knowledge and experience to your advantage.




You can also begin with the stand-alone modules. We always ensure that urgent issues are addressed, and based on our assessment and discussions with you, we promise to help you start with the element that will bring the most value to you and your marketing function.

Unfortunately, based on our over decade of experience working with marketing teams and functions in complex B2B industries, we don’t recommend starting with this module. Organizing or restructuring your department is actually very easy when you know what needs to be accomplished. Jumping right into structuring and organizing your team may not support your 5-year vision – or even one to three targets. That’s why we recommend you start with a Business Plan.

A good rule of thumb is that no one expects us to ensure everything remains the same – rather, our goal is to help you develop and evolve the marketing function to unlock its potential.

Engagement projects with us typically last from one month to six months. Some of our customers undertake several projects each year, while others may only complete one every two years. The frequency of projects usually depends on the size of the team, change management, and of course, specific needs.

How to get started? Or do you want to hear more?

Just send us a message or call us. Let’s talk, and find the right solution for you. We also know that you probably don’t have a budget reserved, so let’s review the budget framework and discuss how to proceed.