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The big marketing organization debate – What shapes the way you should organize marketing?

When it comes to leadership, one of the fundamentals is how you organize the team you lead.

Watch the recording of our big marketing organization debate and hear, what shapes the way you should organize marketing function in complex B2B and what to consider when organizing marketing in relation to the whole organization as well as to the marketing function itself.


Watch the recording and you'll hear:

4 most typical ways to organize marketing in large and enterprise B2B organizations

Pros and cons of each way and in which situations they work best in

How do you organize marketing within the broader organization and within the function itself

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Patrícia Namba from Atlas Copco — How do you succeed in decentralized marketing? Lessons from Patrícia

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Sandra Anderstedt from Sandvik — How do you make a 60-member ambassador program thrive in marketing?

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Focus on these three key elements to take your marketing strategy to the big league

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How should marketing executives lead AI change? Three key perspectives to note

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A new campaign planning process and playbooks driving success across multiregional marketing teams

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Mavenfirst – Who are we

Mavenfirst is an advisory firm for senior marketing executives in complex B2B industries.

We help design marketing functions that unlock the full potential of marketing and align completely with business priorities—such as competitive advantage, improved market share, and better positioning.

Our typical client is a multinational corporate or enterprise B2B organization operating in industry, IT, software, or professional services.

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